Wir sind Masters of WOW.
Wir schaffen Freude ​und unvergessliche Einkaufserlebnisse. ​Jeden Tag aufs Neue.​


MAXFIVE values
to the power
of clarity.
core value 01


Nicht nur Kolleg:innen,
sondern Kompliz:innen.


Weil man nur gemeinsam
Großes bewirken kann.


core value 02




Bunt, verrückt und


Weil man mit gewagten
Ideen Berge versetzen kann.

core value 03




Wir finden neue Wege.
Oder erschaffen sie.


Weil alles andere
schlichtweg langweilig wäre.

core value 04

Einen Schritt näher dran
als die Konkurrenz.
Weil wir für jedes Bedürfnis
die beste Lösung finden.

core value 05


Immer. Ständig.
Und auf vielen Ebenen.


Weil durch Reden die Menschen zusammenkommen.

core value 06




Wir sorgen für Klarheit – in allem,
was wir tun und sagen.


Weil wir mit Struktur und Methodik Transparenz in der Zusammenarbeit schaffen.

MAXFIVE Benefits

Radiomax statt adjusting the mixers in one of the recording studios

Ein Team mit starken

Radio Host & Editor PENNYlive Germany

Radio Host & Editor Radio PENNY FM Romania

Sen. Specialist IT Operations & Support

Innovation Manager

Producer | Sound Branding

Head of Music & Pre-Recorded Radio Programs

Editor in Chief PENNY FM Italy

Music Editor

Music Editor

Editor in Chief Radio BILLA Czechia

Deputy Head of IT & Broadcast Department | Sen. Specialist IT Operations & Network

Head of Sound Branding


Radio Host & Editor PENNY FM Italy

Deputy Editor in Chief | Radio Host PENNY FM Italy

Radio Host & Editor Radio PENNY FM Romania

Radio Host & Editor PENNYlive Germany

Radio Host & Editor Radio PENNY FM Romania

Deputy Editor in Chief | Radio Host PENNY FM Romania

Managing Editor A1 | Senior Radio Host & Editor jö.live

Senior Music Editor

Deputy Head of Sound Branding

Radio Host jö.live

Head of Cooperations & Event | Business Partner

Senior Radio Host & Editor jö.live

Radio Host & Editor Radio PENNY FM Hungary

Radio Host & Editor Radio REWE & PENNYlive Germany (Karenz)

Editor in Chief PENNYlive Germany

Head of Max Innovations

Radio Host & Editor BILLA Czechia

Radio Host & Editor PENNY FM Italy

Radio Host & Editor Radio PENNY FM Romania

Advertising Manager

Producer | Sound Branding


Senior Radio Host & Editor jö.live

Deputy Head of Digital Signage

Deputy Head of Advertising Department

Music Editor & Radio Host Radio PENNY FM Romania

Editor in Chief jö.live BIPA

Editor in Chief jö.live Moderation I Senior Radio Host & Editor

Producer | Sound Branding

Advertising Manager

Stabstelle Brand Communication

Head of Program Austria

Digital Content Creator

Radio Host & Editor PENNY FM Italy

Editor in Chief Radio PENNY FM Hungary

Radio Host & Editor Radio PENNY FM Romania

Editor in Chief jö.live News I Senior Newspresenter & Editor

Senior Music Editor

Editor in Chief jö.live PENNY

Editor in Chief PENNYlive Germany

Sen. Specialist IT Development

Head of IT & Broadcast Department

Head of Program International

Editor in Chief (Karenz)

Radio Host & Editor Radio PENNY FM Romania (Karenz)

Deputy Editor in Chief Radio REWE Germany (Karenz)

Editor in Chief jö.live BILLA | Senior Radio Host & Editor

Radio Host & Editor jö.live

Radio Host & Editor Radio REWE & PENNYlive Germany

Advertising Manager

Editor in Chief Radio REWE Germany I Radio toom I Radio nahkauf

Editor in Chief Radio Lagerhaus

Head of Digital Signage & Advertising

Key Account Manager | Digital Signage

Radio Host & Editor Radio PENNY FM Romania

Radio Host & Editor PENNYlive Germany

Editor in Chief Radio PENNY FM Romania

Sen. Specialist IT Development

Radio Host & Editor PENNYlive Germany

Radio Host & Editor Radio PENNYlive Czechia (Karenz)

Radio Host & Editor Radio PENNYlive Czechia

Head of Music Publishing

Deputy Head of MAX Innovations

Head of Program International

Newspresenter & Editor jö.live

Radio Host & Editor PENNYlive Germany

Radio Host & Editor PENNYlive Germany

Administrator Music Publishing

Radio Host & Editor PENNYlive Germany

Music Editor

Radio Host & Editor jö.live

Radio Host & Editor PENNYlive Germany

Management Assistant

Editor Radio REWE Germany

Radio Host & Editor PENNYlive Germany

Radio Host & Editor jö.live

Radio Host & Editor Radio PENNY FM Hungary

Radio Host & Editor Radio PENNYlive Czechia

Innovation Manager

Radio Host & Editor BILLA Czechia

IT Operations & Support

Assistant Cooperation & Event

Editor in Chief Radio PENNYlive Czechia

Radio Host & Editor jö.live

Assistant Cooperation & Event

Radio Host & Editor Radio PENNYlive Czechia

Radio Host & Editor Radio PENNYlive Czechia

Project Manager Digital Signage

Digital Content Creator

Digital Content Creator

Radio Host & Editor jö.live

Radio Host & Editor BILLA Czechia

Editor Radio REWE Germany

Advertising Manager

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