

04. October 2021, MAXFIVE

The pandemic-induced lockdowns saw us consigned to our sofas, slouching in front of the TV in our jogging bottoms. Glitz, glamour and galas are a thing of the past. Or are they? Read on to find out how hybrid events are helping to banish those coronavirus blues and what kind of future this semi-digital option has in store for us.


customer acquisition
customer loyalty
hybrid event
live stream

The borders between the online and offline worlds are blurring as our daily lives become increasingly digitalised. And Covid-19 can take a bow, since the virtual world just continued to get bigger and bigger during these days of lockdowns, distancing and curfews. Things that would have been scarcely imaginable only two years ago are already firmly ingrained in our day-to-day business interactions: such as meetings from our own breakfast tables. Wearing sweatpants. But it doesn’t matter, as no-one can see anyway.

The whole world turned upside down, digitalisation resurgent. And it was only a matter of time before the event sector got on board. A life without events? Unthinkable. Which is why some of our brightest minds got to work finding a solution.

Hybrid events?

Sounds a bit abstract, but they really do work. Better, in fact, than you might think. First things first: a hybrid event is a real meeting that has been jazzed up a bit through the introduction of additional digital features. This type of event had been around, enhancing live experiences for us all, long before the coronavirus reared its ugly head . But the virus tweaked the definition a little. These days, they are events that you can participate in either in person or digitally. A shift in the event industry that was largely – if not exclusively – driven by the outbreak of a global pandemic. Out of necessity.

Last resort or lasting trend?

Thousands of people. Everyone singing the same song together. An electric atmosphere. Goosebumps all round, and a memory for the ages has been created. Events live by moments like this. And it is precisely this kind of experience that virtual events are unable to produce. No longer are all the senses targeted, the collective experience is snuffed out, attention spans in front of a screen are down to a bare minimum and at some point – by the time technical issues kick in at the very latest – even the most motivated participant will switch off.

But the opportunities and advantages are endless: digitalisation means that your event is available without restriction for anyone interested in it. Irrespective of their location, coronavirus restrictions, environmental considerations and participant numbers, as well as being fully independent of time constraints if the event is being recorded. GDPR-compliant data collection can be used to monitor users’ preferences and interests. This paves the way for personalised and tailored experiences for specific target groups at the next event.


To start with hosting a hybrid event via live stream or video recording can pay off very quickly. Sometimes through long-term customer loyalty, customer acquisition and high attendance figures. The fact is that hybrid events are booming. From antidote of choice against the coronavirus blues to the way forward. So, are you in?

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