
The new MAXFIVE employer branding strategy

13. October 2022, MAXFIVE

How MAXFIVE wants to attract future “Masters of WOW”


employee search
Employer Branding
Masters of WOW
viele Chancen

Whatever the sector or industry, one thing has become increasingly clear of late: the labour market is changing, largely because employees’ expectations have shifted. And that’s a good thing. This new development brings with it numerous fresh opportunities to better shape the future of togetherness while also making it a little more agile. MAXFIVE’s new employer brand was developed with a gr eat deal of passion to bring precisely the kind of people on board who identify fully with the company’s special spirit – as MAXFIVE CFO Richard (Rico) Heinschink reveals in an interview.

What challenges are we facing in the labour market?

There are several factors that are coming together here. Apart from the well-publicised shortage of skilled workers, a lot has changed, primarily on the employee side. People want to identify with their job because they invest such a lot of their precious time in their work. While people often have very different focuses vary from person to person, fewer and fewer people are willing to make too many compromises. An example: if there is no prospect of advancement and basically no upward earning potential as a result, a job simply won’t make sense for that person in the long run. This also applies to people who value a healthy work-life balance – and that’s where concepts like a four-day week come into play.

Employers h ave also been learning in recent years.

Entrenched structures are being questioned – working from home is a good example. Once not even entering into the equation , it’s now part of virtually every company’s blueprint for the future. After all, the pandemic clearly showed that this form of working makes everyday life easier for lots of people. What’s more, our society is becoming more and more open and international.

This means that different values, cultures and lifestyles converge, and this can be a challenge for companies. At MAXFIVE we have quite a bit of an advantage on that front, since we already have both an international team and an international audience! For us, it’s important that we bring in people who fit with our DNA. And because we are looking to reach out specifically to these sorts of people, we needed an employer branding strategy that  addresses that. It gives prospective applicants the chance to find out more about MAXFIVE’s philosophy and what it’s like here, get a feel for the tone and establish who exactly it is that we are looking for. Anyone looking to become a future Master of WOW at MAXFIVE needs to be able to identify with the company. Because this is the only way they can use their creativity productively.

Which goals is MAXFIVE pursuing through its new employer branding activities?

The specific objective is to develop and strengthen MAXFIVE as an employer brand. The overall process is very important for us as a company, because it provides a framework under which we can analyse our values and adapt them if necessary. So it’s a kind of self-reflection that helps us to visualise the identity we present to the outside world. We have also defined our value proposition to help us clearly position ourselves in the labour market.

How were these objectives achieved?

It was all worked out in a highly streamlined, compact process. As far as input was concerned, we also needed a view from the outside, and that is where our agency BRAINDS came into the picture. Among other things, we held an employee analysis workshop and a strategy workshop for managers. Participants were selected with a view to giving each area of the company sufficient representation, which underpinned the development of a common strategy and helped us define our future objectives.

What strategy was defined for MAXFIVE?

The most important thing is – and was – the definition of the core elements, which immediately give people who do not yet know MAXFIVE a picture of and a feel for the company. Take the following questions , for instance. “What is the purpose of MAXFIVE?” Our answer: “To create joy and unforgettable shopping experiences. Day after day. Every day.” “What value proposition are we making to our future colleagues?” Our answer: “You can use your creativity and passion to awaken the FIVE senses of 10 million people! We are the employer of choice for anyone looking to turn shopping into a WOW experience as part of an international media company.”

Our spirit is summed up by the slogan: We are Masters of WOW! Our new employer branding strategy is designed in such a way that future Masters of WOW will immediately feel that they are being addressed directly and want to build a relationship with us – I firmly believe that we will succeed in this.

What do we want to offer future and current employees?

We can clearly see that our employees are happy and motivated to come to work every day. So that is already a very high bar straight out of the gate, and we are absolutely committed to maintaining that. We understand that ensuring every single member of the team has a good and healthy work-life balance is ultimately of benefit to the company. After all, this is the only way for innovative ideas to take shape in the first place. Creativity needs freedom, and we want to offer this to the MAX. While the feelgood factor is already running very high at MAXFIVE, we also offer the space for further development and advancement. This is critical for committed, ambitious and motivated employees.

Why should people work at MAXFIVE?

Because it’s fun – it’s that simple! Our line of work is incredibly exciting and interesting, and we are always open to completely new ideas and even the odd seriously o ut-there suggestion. Although we have a relatively large team, we still have the relaxed atmosphere of a start-up. In reality, this means that we communicate as equals, have flexible working hours, offer the option of working from home and cooperate as members of a very tight-knit crew.


At the end of the day, our projects have a tangible impact – our radio programmes are listened to by thousands of people. And every single person in the team has a hand in making them in one way or another. We believe in the power of talent and ability: so rather than the academic title you have, it’s the potential you bring with you that counts. The amount of WOW you can – and want to – bring to the table. Besides, no one is alone at MAXFIVE. There are always people around with the necessary know-how or expertise who can give support and help. After all, we also believe in the potential of mistakes, which is why they are explicitly allowed. Experience is the best schooling for our future Masters of WOW!

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