
Train with the MAXFIVE professionals!

21. March 2024, MAXFIVE

First things first: communication builds trust and connects people. Our presenters are on air, day in day out, reaching out to listeners all across Europe. So you can see why providing voice and communication skills training is always a top priority at MAXFIVE.


body language

As tried-and-tested communication experts, we just love to share our knowledge: our training sessions are open to anyone who wants to learn and grow. We’ve been working with respected trainers for around 20 years now to ensure that we communicate confidently – and authentically – whatever the channel. One of them is Alexander Kurzwernhart, aka the Trainer of Professionals.


We spoke to him about the content of the various MAXFIVE training programmes, as well as the importance of body language, breathing, and voice:

What can participants expect from the training sessions?
The sessions are tailored to the individual needs of the participants. It’s important to me that it’s not a traditional teacher-student relationship – I see myself as a respectful, yet critical, guide who is there to accompany them as they make the journey towards achieving their agreed training goals. Everything revolves around openness, mutual understanding, confidentiality, and a constructive atmosphere.


All measures (exercises, lightning inputs, methods, role play sessions, etc.) are tailored to the individual and their personality. It all centres on the trainee.

Who are the MAXFIVE training sessions for?

They are for everyone who communicates. So that means everyone. It’s especially important for people in customer-facing roles, team leaders and anyone who speaks with suppliers and wants to appear consistent and authentic whatever the situation. It’s about getting messages across clearly and creating the right impression. Skills that are essential in both professional and everyday life.

Why is body language so important in daily life?

In private and professional settings alike, it’s fair to say that “first impressions count – and final impressions endure”. We’re all subject to something called the Pygmalion effect. What I mean by this is that the expectations placed on us shape our behaviour and, consequently, influence our performance. We’re more likely to succeed if someone believes in us. But if someone doubts us, we’re more likely to fail. Put simply: the way that we project our body language influences how it is received. People who can use their body language consciously have a powerful tool at their disposal that will help them to manage even the most challenging communication situations with confidence.

What happens when we breathe correctly?

A lot. Both physically and in the mind! We can use the power of breathing techniques to help us focus on goals or to relax. Correct breathing also allows me to use my voice with purpose, minus any stress. The result: we are in a position to communicate clearly, understandably, and calmly. This is particularly helpful in change processes, conflicts, or other challenging situations.

What are the advantages of personal training in the era of YouTube tutorials and TikTok tips and tricks?

I always compare it to sport: while someone could explain to me how to ski down the Streif piste in Kitzbühel at breakneck speed, even for me as a decent skier, my run would still come to an end by the steepest section, the Mausefalle, at the latest. And something similar happens when it comes to body language: just like in sports, you have to repeat certain processes over and again until you internalise them and they just happen automatically.


The same principle also applies to communication. Communication expert Marshall B. Rosenberg summed it up very well when he said: “It’s simple but not easy.” Tutorials, reels, and stories can definitely support, inspire, and encourage people to experiment. But, to put everything into practice we definitely need honest feedback, practical exercises, and solutions that are aligned to the specific individual. Which only comes from personal training – which in my view can also include online elements.

What do participants take away with them for the future?

Any training session that is related to communication, voice, and breathing will go a long way towards helping people achieve their professional goals. They’re essential building blocks on the path to success.

The training sessions are also a journey of self-discovery. They provide support in so many areas: personality development, appearance, impact, image, and charisma. A joined-up appearance has the power to captivate, impress, and inspire.

MAXFIVE trainings:


We offer training sessions nationwide in Austria. Depending on your needs, you can book hourly, one-day, or multi-day training sessions – for yourself or a group, such as employees. Interested? Write to us today at – for a quote tailored to your specific requirements.

About Alexander Kurzwernhart: A graduate of the renowned Max Reinhardt Seminar in Vienna, Alexander has been working in adult education for over two decades, offering training sessions with a focus on presentation skills, media, speech, breathing, and body language. His clients include successful presenters, companies such as REWE International AG, and various NGOs. The best part: Alexander Kurzwernhart’s training sessions are open to everyone!


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