
Europe-wide WOW shopping experiences

17. February 2023, MAXFIVE

When we talk about "connecting people - connecting skills" at MAXFIVE, we understand this to be beyond national borders. We operate in nine countries across Europe, and this is also evident in our team.



More than 100 employees of different nationalities and therefore more than 10 languages come together at MAXFIVE. As a company, we benefit from this diversity in terms of creativity, know-how and expertise. Internationality is part of our DNA, because innovative ideas are only possible with an open mind.

Zuzana is a radio host for MAXFIVE. With her warm and friendly manner, she entertains shoppers and employees in PENNY stores throughout the Czech Republic. In this interview, she tells us how she came to MAXFIVE and what makes working here so special.

Zuzana, when did you start at MAXFIVE and how did you find out about MAXFIVE?

It actually happened by sheer coincidence! I spotted the job post in one of my favorite marketing groups for women on Facebook and felt immediately hooked. I thought it sounded like something I would like to do. Thus, I gave it a try and yes, the rest is history. I started working at MAXFIVE in June 2021.

Why did you apply for a job at MAXFIVE?

I already had my own podcast and I wanted a change so, when I saw the job description, it was a logical decision to apply for it. Obviously, it was the right move, and I am very happy that I did it!

How were your first weeks in Austria?

It was quite crazy because of COVID and all the difficulties regarding “moving across borders”. But everything felt so right about being here. Which is why I quite enjoyed the whole process of it. I had a lot of help and support from Tomas Vyšohlíd, Jana Bujňačková and Christian right from the start. Tomas even helped me find my first apartment here. Pretty soon, I felt that I had become part of the team. Furthermore, my colleagues from Italy have become my second family from the very first minute. For someone like me, who was suddenly in a completely new environment, this was quite a good feeling. I really fell in love with this job, and I’ve been enjoying every minute of it since day one.

Do you remember your first words on air?

I can’t remember the exact words, but I was talking about what time it was and what the weather situation was at the time. But I perfectly remember this amazing feeling I had during that: A very special feeling of joyful excitement – I still have the same sensation today when I’m on air and entertain shoppers in the PENNY stores. Whether with the latest news, exciting gossip or interesting information regarding the product range and various promotions.

Every day, the different radio teams are on air in their native language! How does it feel to work in a team where eight different languages ​​are spoken?

Pretty great! Even more so when one of the languages spoken is my mother tongue. I personally cherish and love this international feeling at MAXFIVE. For me, it is normal, almost familiar. I don’t mind or even think about the fact that most people of the team come from different parts of Europe. We are more like one big family. Most of the time I don’t even notice or realize that we speak different languages at all.

What makes MAXFIVE unique and special for you?

For me personally, it is the feeling that my work is being appreciated. It motivates me to get better at what I am doing every single day. Moreover, it makes me happy to be a part of this big, fantastic team and this great company. I therefore act in accordance with our MAXFIVE slogan “We create enjoyment and memorable shopping experiences. Every day all over again.” I think that sums up quite well what I do and how I feel about it!

Do you have any tips for your 14-year-old self?

I think I would encourage myself that at the end of the day, everything is going to be just fine, that I don’t have to worry about my future because I will grow into a strong woman. I would advise myself to live more in the here and now because there is nothing more important than enjoying the moment. And I would of course tell myself to do as many crazy things as I possibly can and enjoy every day to the max (which is exactly what I did back then :))!

What else would you like to tell us?

That I am incredibly happy to be part of the big MAXFIVE team. And I would like to use this opportunity to thank all my colleagues, who are all super nice to each other and make every day here a joyful experience, even though we are actually at work. I fully understand that this is not something that can be taken for granted, so I appreciate it even more that I can be part of it every day.

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