
Wiener Wiesn Radio

20. September 2017, MAXFIVE

Beer tents, brass bands and loads of fun! Austria’s biggest festival is ready to make its way to the Vienna Prater. As the official Wiener Wiesn-Fest radio station, MAXFIVE has been a part of this mega-event since 2015. Project head, Christian Döring, speaks about the colourful mix offered by Wiener Wiesn radio.


live radio broadcasts
Wiener Wiesn

Mr Döring, let’s get right down to it. Why does MAXFIVE broadcast live from the Wiener Wiesn?

Firstly, because it’s a lot of fun, secondly, because we have the know-how to do it, and thirdly, because we’ve had a partnership with Wiener Wiesn for 3 years now and it quickly became clear to us that live RADIO broadcasts are a part of the Wiener Wiesn.

What exactly goes on there?

We provide 11 hours of daily live broadcasts from our studio in the big tent. We broadcast all the concerts live, along with lots of interviews with the bands. Our reporters on the scene work with celebrities and other interesting personalities to bring great stories on a daily basis. For example, we’ve run an interesting report on beer brewing. I’d say providing important know how for each and every visitor to the Wiener Wiesn (laughs)! Basically, I’d say we offer cool radio for the entire family.

A really important part of it is the music. What sort of music gets played?

Music is the most important thing. Volksmusik, feel good music, Wiener Wiesn music. Part of our music program is made up of live acts, like Right Said Fred, Voxclub and the Edelseer. We broadcast all these concerts live so that people at home can join in. It goes without saying that Wiesn Radio also plays the golden oldies by DJ Ötzi, Helen Fischer, Andreas Gabalier as well as Jürgen Drews. And more recently we’ve added English-language classics, like Abba and Boney M. So we have a pretty broad pool of songs to transport the Wiesn mood right into your home.

Ok, now fill me in on how I can tune into Wiesn Radio?

We use the internet for our broadcasts. In other words, we stream our program on our homepage,, where there’s a button that you click to link to our live radio broadcasts. The technical aspects of broadcasting live events like this are a pretty routine affair for us now. We make it happen by applying all the know-how we’ve gained from 21 years of experience.
That means we’re able to provide customers with a tailor-made live radio concept that includes everything from the technology needed right on through to the programming itself. We’re a one-stop shop, so to speak.

Mr Döring, what’s your own personal favourite Wiesn hit?

Hands down: Hubert von Goisern’s “Brenna tuats guat“

Christian Döring, Head of Program MAXFIVE and Project head Wiener Wiesn Fest radio station

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